Sameer Agarwal


Sameer Agarwal, Graduate Student
Algorithms, Machines and People Lab

Operating Systems and Networking Group
University of California, Berkeley
Advisor: Ion Stoica

Note: I successfully defended my thesis in May’14 and can be reached via email at

I have a PhD in Databases from UC Berkeley AMPLab where I worked with Prof. Ion Stoica and Prof. Sam Madden. During the course of my PhD, I led the research, design and development of BlinkDB, an open-sourced, massively parallel, approximate query processing framework that guarantees sub-second query latencies on unbounded data by trading-off on the accuracy of results. Before that, I also actively collaborated with Dr. Srikanth Kandula at Microsoft Research, Redmond on RoPE (Re-Optimizer for Parallel Execution). RoPE optimizes parallel executions by leveraging a variety of runtime/intermediate data statistics and has been successfully deployed on production clusters at Microsoft Bing. I completed my undergraduate education from the Department of Department of Computer Science and Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology, Guwahati, Guwahati in 2009 and was awarded the prestigious President of India Gold Medal.

I was supported by the Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship during 2012-13 and am supported by the Facebook Graduate Fellowship during 2013-14.


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